David Howard on August 13, 2020
Gravel Route
On Fletcher Rd, Fairfax, Franklin County, Vermont
Fairfax-Fletcher Gravel Loop
24 overlapping segments.
31.04 miles
394 ft minimum
1,043 ft maximum
2,228 ft gain
2,205 ft loss

100% gravel

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 Michael Gilman
on August 6, 2023
Just did this ride. It’s really beautiful. A bit hilly. Ok well maybe lots of hard hills. Mostly dirt roads with some spectacular views. Fletcher rd is paved and busy but not on it long. Some of the roads have different names then the map here. Ridge rd actually turns into a logging rd. It was muddy and wet because of all the rain. A bit rough but not a long section. Definitely recommend this ride for a great workout and exploring of rural Vt.